Unlock Peak Performance: Hack Your Biology with the Blood Test Mastery Course for Men

Discover how to tap into the secrets of your own unique biology and unlock the key to living each day with boundless energy and vitality.

Are you tired of feeling like your health is a mystery?

Do you wish you could better understand the science behind your body and how to optimize it?

As a man, you know how important it is to take care of yourself. 

You hit the gym, eat healthy and try to get enough sleep.

But what about the numbers on your blood test results? 

Do they leave you feeling confused or overwhelmed?

If so, then you're not alone. 

As you may already know, your blood holds valuable insights into your health, energy levels and overall well-being.

However, what you may not know is how to interpret your blood test results and what to do with the information.

Chances are you’ve had some basic blood tests done at some point in the past to try and figure out what’s going on...

But you hit a dead-end when you were informed you that your results were "normal" (even though you still didn’t feel quite right).


And you ended up feeling confused, frustrated and maybe even a bit helpless.

Or perhaps some results came back above or below the ‘normal’ range…

But they failed to provide you the answers you were looking for.

The truth is that most guys haven’t got a clue what to do when it comes to blood testing. 

Many men feel out of their depth trying to make sense of… 

  • What each test means… 

  • Which tests to get done… 

  • How often to repeat each test… 

  • Where to get tested… 

  • And most importantly, what action steps to take based on the results.

That’s exactly why I’m going to give you my Blood Test Mastery course

This comprehensive course will provide you everything you need to know to confidently interpret and analyze your blood test results and help you reach your peak.

I’m going to reveal to you the most important blood tests that will provide you with crucial insights to unlock your maximum cognitive and physical capabilities…

Most of which I’m willing to bet have been overlooked…

Or you’ve never performed before.

I’ll be translating all of the medical jargon into a simplified, layman's explanation…

So that you understand exactly what each blood test actually means for your health…

Regardless of your level of experience or knowledge.

I’m going to give you a kindergarten-simple framework for determining the factors that could be sabotaging your blood test results…

And consequently your quality of life…

Factors that you may have never even considered before, such as... 

  • Certain spices or foods you could be consuming every single day that are wasting-away your manhood & vitality…

  • Or popular supplements touted by so-called ‘health experts’ you’ve come across online that may be wreaking havoc inside your body right now…

  • Or lethal ingredients you could be spraying onto your skin each morning that are cannibalising your energy and stalling your progress in the gym…

And then provide you with the most-effective, research-backed and simple health protocols to optimise each and every number of your test.

I’m going to give you the exact dietary, supplementation & lifestyle interventions… 

That you can easily implement based on your individual results…

To completely dial-in all facets of your health…

And help you unlock more energy, virility and drive than you ever thought possible.

You’ll no longer feel like you're shooting in the dark trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t…

Instead, you’re going to have a clear understanding of... 

  • Exactly what foods to eat (and avoid)... 

  • Which supplements to take (and discard)... 

  • And simple lifestyle & environmental tweaks to implement… 

Based on your individual blood test results…

To help you break free from merely "getting by" in life... 

And unlock your full cognitive and physical potential.

You’re going to get access to over 4 hours of value-packed video content… 

And also receive downloadable cheat sheets for each test that will simplify putting into practice all the protocols you're about to discover, ensuring that you get the most out of the course.

I'll be sharing with you the same information that high-profile CEOs, entrepreneurs & professional athletes have paid me a very handsome sum of money for… 

The best part is, you'll get access to this valuable knowledge for a mere fraction of what they’ve paid…

The only difference is that I'll be empowering you to do it yourself… 

Rather than relying on me or other health experts to do it for you.

And why would I do that?

Because my north star isn’t about how much money I can make…

But instead how many men’s lives I can transform…

And one of my core beliefs is that every man deserves access to this kind of information, regardless of their financial situation…

Especially when being a man has never been harder in human history

When so many men are in crisis…

And when our masculinity is constantly being stripped away from us in ways you could never even imagine.

That means for the first time ever…

I’m giving men outside of my high-ticket coaching packages…

A shot at something that others had to pay $3,000 - $5,000 to get…

I'm giving you access to the Blood Test Mastery Course for only a $297 USD one-time-payment ($447 AUD).

And what does it mean when you decide to invest in the course?

It means that you’re no longer going to be wasting hundreds of dollars experimenting with various supplements that don’t work for your individual biology…

It means you’re no longer going to feel overwhelmed trying to put all the pieces of your own health puzzle together and countless hours spent researching online…

It means that you’ll finally gain the master key to unlocking peak health and performance, once and for all.   

Here's What You're Going To Discover:

    1. Medical Disclaimer (Please Read Before Continuing)

    1. Module 1 Overview

    2. Why You've Failed (It's Not Your Fault)

    3. Debunking Blood Testing Myths

    4. Why Is Blood Testing So Critical To Achieve Optimal Energy & Wellbeing?

    5. An Important Point On Course Outcomes

    6. Getting Blood-Test Ready: What Influences Your Results?

    7. Debunking Reference Ranges

    8. The Blood Test Mastery Course (Ultimate Cheat Sheet)

    1. Module 2 Overview

    2. The 3 Tiers of Blood Tests - What To Get Tested?

    3. How & Where To Get Tests Done?

    4. A Framework For Interpreting & Optimising Your Results

    1. Total Testosterone

    2. Free Testosterone

    3. Estradiol

    4. DHT

    5. Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)

    6. Progesterone

    7. Prolactin

    8. Cortisol

    9. Luteinising Hormone (LH)

    10. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

    11. Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEA-S)

    1. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

    1. TSH

    2. Free T4

    3. Free T3

About this course

  • $447.00
  • 71 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content


Lucas Aoun

Lucas Aoun is a globally-recognised men's health educator, biohacker, supplement formulator and qualified naturopath. Lucas specializes in optimizing brain function, sports performance, gut health, hormonal balance and vitality. With over 8 years of experience under his belt, he's earned a reputation as a cutting-edge practitioner who's always on the pulse of the latest scientific research.